Here at OC MedDerm, you can schedule all your skin surgeries following your medical evaluation. All surgeries are performed by our dermatologists only.
Warts are common skin lesions caused by a viral infection (HPV). They are most commonly located on the hands, feet, or genital areas; however, they can appear elsewhere on the body as well. Warts come in a variety of forms and can be skin-colored, hyperpigmented, flat, raised, or even cauliflower-like in appearance.
Read more about HPV (human papillomavirus), virus causing warts
Read more about Genital warts
Warts can be removed by a variety of treatments such as: via cold (cryotherapy), heat (lasers), chemicals (acids/topical medications/injections), or physical destruction (such as surgery)
(cold) is the gold standard, first-line therapy for wart removal. It is very safe and is usually well-tolerated. The following warts were treated with cryotherapy alone resulting in complete resolution.
We consider surgical removal of warts for certain scenarios
1) Warts that are flat but deep in the tissue may need to be excised from deeper layers of the skin surgically.
2) If there is any uncertainty about the clinical diagnosis our dermatologists may want to excise the lesion and send for histological confirmation to rule out a more serious process.
3) Warts located in delicate areas will often be excised in order to provide the best possible cosmetic outcome. Anytime a lesion is excised, our dermatologists will send the specimen for microscopic evaluation to confirm the diagnosis. Below are images of our patient before and immediately after surgical removal of warts near the eyelid.
4) Surgical removal will also be considered if warts are too large or have previously had poor response to alternative treatments
5) Surgical approach may be more effective for pedunculated warts (raised with small base) or cutaneous horns
6) As with all of our care at OC MedDerm, every treatment is tailored toward the individual patient. Therefore, all treatment options will be considered at every visit in order to provide our patients with the best possible outcome.
If you have any new skin bumps or lesions concerning for warts Call us to make an appointment for a medical visit or ask questions
Other Treatments
Acne Surgery | Boil or Infected Cyst Surgery | Cyst Removal | Ear Lump Removal | Ear Surgeries, Medical | Eyelid Stye & Bumps Surgery | Foreign Body Removal | Ingrown Hair Removal | Ingrown Nail Surgery | Keloid Injection | Lumps and Bumps Removal, Medical | Nail Extraction | Non-Healing Lesion Biopsy | Skin Biopsy | Skin Cancer Excision | Skin Tear Closure
Book a consultation at OC Medderm | Irvineskin Today for Medical, Surgical, and Cosmetic Dermatology in Irvine & Orange County, CA.
We are experts in Acne, Pinch blepharoplasty, Ear lobe repair, Xanthelasma repair, Syringomas removal, mole removal, Keloid removal, Body and face piecing or piercing repair or removal, lump and bumps removal, Acne scar removal, Spider vein treatment, fungal infection, Co2 resurfacing, Warts and more.
You can schedule an appointment or call us now for all the dermatology treatments. We are located at 113 Waterworks Way 100, Irvine, Orange County CA, We Are Dedicated to Providing the Best & Transparent Dermatology Care for your skin.
Call us when you want!