External ear surgeries are our signature services

At OC MedDerm, Dr. Sahfa is an expert in every type of ear surgery such as restoring the earlobe’s natural shape and appearance.

Complimentary consultation is offered for any cosmetic ear issues. During our complimentary visit for aesthetic ear surgeries, you will be evaluated and informed about treatment options with no obligations. All of our ear surgeries are performed in the office by Dr. Shafa under sterile conditions and pain-free using local anesthesia.

What can be achieved by earlobe repair?

  • Correction of a torn or stretched piercing site due to trauma, or prolonged wear of heavy accessories.
  • Reduction or complete closure of gauged ears or stretched and enlarged earring holes
  • repositioning of piercing if desired
  • Re-piercing any location in the ears
  • Earlobe rejuvenation with dermal filler
  • Age-related or undesired elongated earlobe reduction
  • Earlobe reshaping

We repair torn earlobes.



A complete split earlobe or elongated ear-piercing site frequently occurs as a result of years of wearing heavy earrings or prior use of gauged/stretching earrings.

Earlobe splitting can also occur following injuries resulting from pulled earrings or other types of accidents. Dr. Shafa has the knowledge, training, and experience to repair and reshape such ears. At OC MedDerm, following proper earlobe repair, patients are offered the option for precise re-piercing if desired. These procedures are performed solely by Dr. Shafa under entirely sterile conditions and are pain-free in the office.

We correct earlobe deformities and re-pierced



Above we have before and after photos of one of our patients who was unhappy with the shape of her earlobes. After corrective surgery was performed on her earlobes and they healed properly, our patient desired re-piercing of her ears which we gladly performed. She was thrilled with the results.

We shorten and reshape elongated earlobes with dangling earrings re-pierced.

Many patients are bothered by droopy or elongated earlobes. Dr. Shafa has performed hundreds of earlobe reshapes, repairs, and/or reductions such as the one noted in the images above. This is a customized procedure specific to each case. This procedure is performed with just local anesthesia and leaves minimal scarring, as the scar is often hidden behind or within creases of the ear.



Here are before and right after ear surgery photos of one of our patients who was unhappy with the stretched holes she had developed on her earlobes over the years. Corrective surgery to remove the stretched piercing hole and decrease the size of the earlobes was performed by Dr. Shafa

Contact Us!

For cosmetic ear issues, we offer complimentary consultations with our dermatologists. If you are unhappy or bothered by the appearance of your ears, feel free to call us to make an appointment for a consultation. During your visit, our physicians will do a thorough evaluation, discuss your wants and needs, and provide you with various options that are customized to you. Treatment options will be discussed thoroughly, including risks, benefits, and alternative options, without any obligations. Feel free to ask questions.

Schedule a Consultation

With Dr. Parvin Shafa

    Get the best result with the best Dermatologist In Irvine, Orange County, California.

    Book a consultation at OC Medderm | Irvineskin Today for Medical, Surgical, and Cosmetic Dermatology in Irvine & Orange County, CA.

    We are experts in Acne, Pinch blepharoplasty, Ear lobe repair, Xanthelasma repair, Syringomas removal, mole removal, Keloid removal, Body and face piecing or piercing repair or removal, lump and bumps removal, Acne scar removal, Spider vein treatment, fungal infection, Co2 resurfacing, Warts and more.

    You can schedule an appointment or call us now for all the dermatology treatments. We are located at 113 Waterworks Way 100, Irvine, Orange County CA, We Are Dedicated to Providing the Best & Transparent Dermatology Care for your skin.

    Call us when you want!

    (949) 551-1113