Genital warts are one of the most common STIs (sexually transmitted infections). They usually present as a single or a group of bumps in the genital area. The texture of the lesions can be cauliflower-like (but they may also be smooth or flat as well) and the sizes can vary. The lesions are often skin-colored or hyperpigmented (darker than the rest of the skin). They are sometimes mistaken as moles, seborrheic keratoses, skin tags, or other skin lesions.
HPV (human papillomavirus) infections are the cause of genital warts. Most of the people infected with HPV have no symptoms whatsoever
There are over 150 subtypes of HPV. Most types of HPV are low-risk and only lead to benign warts. Other types of HPV are high-risk and can cause genital or oral cancers. Therefore, it is extremely important to prevent, properly diagnose, and treat HPV infections as soon as possible to eliminate the risk of annoying infections or development of possible cancers.
Read more about HPV and relation to warts and cancer
HPV is transmitted through intimate skin-to-skin contact. You can get HPV by having unprotected vaginal, oral, or anal sex with someone that carries the virus.
You or your partner may never be aware of being infected with HPV or have any known history of genital warts, but can still be a carrier of the virus. Majority of HPV carriers do not display any symptoms. Therefore, the virus can be easily and unknowingly transmitted during sexual intercourse.
HPV is the most common STI in the U.S. About 80 million people (roughly one in four) are currently infected with HPV in the U.S. According to the CDC (Center for Disease Control), nearly all men and women who are sexually active will be infected at some point in their life.
Yes! But there is good news:
Warts are typically diagnosed clinically by dermatologists with the use of a handheld magnifying device called a dermoscope. If the lesions have typical features of genital warts, then our dermatologists will treat them as warts during the same visit. If the diagnosis is uncertain or there is no response to the conventional wart therapy, then our dermatologists may perform a biopsy of the lesion to confirm the diagnosis.
Unlike many other STIs, there is no blood test to diagnose genital warts. A vaginal smear can determine infection with high-risk HPV infections, however, a swab test for male genital lesions does not exist currently.
Our dermatologists recommend that any patient with one STI be tested for the other common STIs as well. This provides peace of mind for both the patients and doctors.
You can be tested at OC MedDerm for any STDs symptoms or concerns you may be experiencing. We will ensure proper treatment for you and your partner if necessary. Testing can be as simple as a clinical evaluation, urine/blood analysis, culture, or biopsy (if needed).
For certain STIs, we can treat you immediately in the office. A single injection or a single pill by mouth can take care of the infection completely.
You can be tested right here in our office for any symptoms or concerns you may be experiencing. For certain STIs, we may also recommend and offer simultaneous treatment of your partner. We ensure proper treatment for you and your partner if needed.
If you have any concerns or symptoms regarding possible STIs, you can see our dermatologists to be evaluated, educated, diagnosed, and treated if needed. You can make an appointment for both you and your partner.
Feel free to ask questions or Call us to make an appointment.
Book a consultation at OC Medderm | Irvineskin Today for Medical, Surgical, and Cosmetic Dermatology in Irvine & Orange County, CA.
We are experts in Acne, Pinch blepharoplasty, Ear lobe repair, Xanthelasma repair, Syringomas removal, mole removal, Keloid removal, Body and face piecing or piercing repair or removal, lump and bumps removal, Acne scar removal, Spider vein treatment, fungal infection, Co2 resurfacing, Warts and more.
You can schedule an appointment or call us now for all the dermatology treatments. We are located at 113 Waterworks Way 100, Irvine, Orange County CA, We Are Dedicated to Providing the Best & Transparent Dermatology Care for your skin.
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