Dr. Parvin Shafa is an experienced dermatologist in Irvine, Orange County that has been using Restylane products to restore youthful looks for her patients since 2003 when Restylane as the first HA was FDA approved. Prior to that Dr. Shafa was a pioneer in injecting older fillers like collagen, Zyderm, Zyplast and more.

What is Restylane?

Restylane is a leading dermal filler that is injected under the skin to replace lost volume and restores youthful contours of the face. Restylane smooths away moderate to severe facial wrinkles and folds, such as the lines from your nose to the corners of your mouth (nasolabial folds). Restylane is made of Hyaluronic acids (HAs) which is a clear, colorless gel.

What are the Hyaluronic acids (HAs)?

Hyaluronic acids (HA) are natural substances found in many tissues throughout the body and present in particularly high amounts in the skin and joint tissue, as well as in the fluid that fills the joints. In the human body, natural hyaluronic acid acts as a lubricant for the joints and provides volume and fullness to the skin. Most of the HAs are not animal-obtained products. Synthetic HAs are a colorless clear gel that can be used as a dermal filler and joint lubricant (via injection into the joint space).

Are Hyaluronic Acids (HAs) FDA approved?

Restylane is the first HA approved by FDA in 2003. Both the Restalyne and Juvederm family, which are FDA-approved, are the most popular synthetic HA. Restylane is currently provided by Galderma. Juvederm is provided by Allergan. Belotero is another FDA approved HA provided by Merz. Most of the HAs are approved by the FDA as a dermal filler.

The Restylane family of products includes

  • Restylane L

    “The classic Restylane” and the first FDA approved HA in the U.S. This product is used to add volume to the skin in order to correct moderate to severe facial lines and enhance lips. To improve comfort during and after injection, lidocaine (a pain reliever) is combined with the product.

  • Restylane Silk

    This product is designed to target the lips and the lines that form around the mouth. It is composed of a unique particle gel formula that allows for precise injection and natural results. The consistency of this gel is silky smooth to deliver beautifully smooth lip contours.

  • Restylane Lyft

    This clear gel immediately adds volume to smooth away wrinkles of the face, correcting moderate to severe facial lines. Additionally, it is used to fill in thin or thinning lips

  • Restylane Refyne

    This product is designed to target the lips and the lines that form around the mouth. It is composed of a unique particle gel formula that allows for precise injection and natural results. The consistency of this gel is silky smooth to deliver beautifully smooth lip contours.

  • Restylane Defyne

    (previously known as Perlane): This product is unique in the size of the particles and depth of injection. This product is intended for more severe facial wrinkles that require deeper injection in the skin. This product was previously called Perlane.

  • Restylane Kysse

    This is one of the newest products that has recently been approved by the FDA in 2020. It is specifically for lip fillers.

Hyaluronic acid in all types of Restylane is made by a similar biotechnical process. What makes them different is the gel particle size, which gives different texture and consistency to the gel. For instance, Restylane Lyft gel particles are larger and designed for deeper injection than Restylane.

How do I choose between different types of Restylane?

You don’t have to – Dr. Shafa will decide which product is right for you based on your desires and an evaluation of facial wrinkles and folds.


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With Dr. Parvin Shafa

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