Get rid of your tired look with a few minutes of pain-free, quick, safe and effective injections with Dysport or Botox.
“Thanks to Dysport I can get rid of my droopy tired looking eyes” – Dr. Shafa
A safe and quick treatment for men to remove forehead wrinkle lines is with Dysport or Botox. The above are before and after photos of one of our patients.
Horizontal forehead creases initially treated with Dysport. One week later dermal filler was added for optimal and long lasting correction of deep forehead lines. The above photos are before and after from one of our patients.
Non-surgical jawline correction performed with only Dysport or Botox injections. Patients who grind their teeth or suffer from headaches may also get medical benefits from this procedure. The above photos are before and after images of one of our patients following jawline slimming.
Too much gums when you smile? Correct gummy smile with only a few drops of Dysport or Botox. The above images represent before and after photos of one of our patients following gummy smile correction.
A patient of ours was not happy with her left droopy eyebrow and eye, so we corrected it with Dysport. Above are before and after images.
This patient of ours is pleased with the correction of her asymmetric smile and lower lip movement while talking. This was corrected with just a few drops of Dysport. Before and after images above.
Ask Question about Dysport or Botox for treatment of neck bands, TMJ, migraine headaches, sweaty hands/feet/underarms, pain due to muscle spasm or other indications for such a treatment.
Book a consultation at OC Medderm | Irvineskin Today for Medical, Surgical, and Cosmetic Dermatology in Irvine & Orange County, CA.
We are experts in Acne, Pinch blepharoplasty, Ear lobe repair, Xanthelasma repair, Syringomas removal, mole removal, Keloid removal, Body and face piecing or piercing repair or removal, lump and bumps removal, Acne scar removal, Spider vein treatment, fungal infection, Co2 resurfacing, Warts and more.
You can schedule an appointment or call us now for all the dermatology treatments. We are located at 113 Waterworks Way 100, Irvine, Orange County CA, We Are Dedicated to Providing the Best & Transparent Dermatology Care for your skin.
Call us when you want!